Fundamentals Workout Plan [Free Download]

One of the things I love most is organizing information into one location and adding color. Another thing I love is having a well-thought out plan for fundamentals!

When I was an undergrad, I would create a workout sheet listing all the fundamental exercises I wanted to work on daily to feel the most well-rounded leading up to an important event. It would include my favorite staple exercises (such as long tones and scales), in addition to some newer ones I'd picked up from master classes, colleagues, or new books.

I would name it the Fill-in-the-Blank-Audition/Competition/Etc. Workout, and seeing it every day really motivated me to have a highly focused and thorough practice session dedicated to improving a range of specific skills. (And for some reason, calling it a workout made it even more enticing!)

See my example below, in addition to a blank template! A free PDF is available for download for both.


  • I highly recommend including your goal at the top, naming your fundamentals workout after the school or festival you want to attend, the job you want, or the recital you have coming up. The reminder that working on these skills is directly related to achieving your goal is powerfully motivating! 
  • Be sure to be specific about which exercises or page numbers you'd like to focus on most, in addition to metronome markings. The idea is to include a realistic plan that is thorough but not too overwhelming to put into action.
  • Many of the items listed in the example are there to give you some ideas! Only include the things you feel are the most important to your growth.
  • I've listed Vibrato under the Tone Color category to break up the general Tone category. You can include any exercises that relate to special coloring you'd use in the context of a piece here.


I LOVE seeing all your inspiration and goal-getting! Share your photos on Instagram using #practiceroomrevelations and tag @joleneflute!


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